werkagenda waterkringlopen


Through the food chain strategic agenda, we want to reduce the material footprint of the agri-food chain and the associated environmental pressure while at least preserving the economic importance of the system in Flanders. We want to achieve this by working on three pillars: optimal use of bio-resources, food products and residual flows.


Pillar 1: Optimal use of bio-resources

  • We increase the circularity of existing primary production systems.
  • We develop and scale up new circular production systems and cultures that (almost) do not use conventional agricultural land.
  • We increase circularity in existing food product processing and distribution systems.


Pillar 2: Optimal use of food

  • We aim to achieve broad acceptance of a low-resource impact diet, in line with the environmentally friendly food triangle.
  • In doing so, we focus on actions that target or are implemented by both the hospitality, catering, retail and consumer sectors.


Pillar 3: Optimal use of residual flows

  • We have a view of available flows.
  • We close cycles at a geographical scale that is as small as possible and as large as necessary.
  • We reduce the number of flows remaining on land.
  • We optimise existing harvesting and processing technology and machinery, or develop new ones.
  • We valorise flows that cannot be used in food as much as possible and in an efficient way for livestock farming.
  • We have adapted logistics systems to enable higher-value applications.
  • We have solutions to put more difficult, wet and/or small flows (such as certain fruits and vegetables) back into high-value applications.
  • We recover and recycle all nutrients in the food chain.

Presentation of the strategic agenda

Rapport Voedselketen

In our strategic agenda report you will find our goals and ambitions in detail.