Our Approach / Strategic Agendas

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The Chemistry/Plastics strategic agenda

The Chemistry/Plastics strategic agenda focuses on a set of actions, which help solve the main barriers on the way to a circular chemistry and plastics. In doing so, we focus on actions that we can only tackle together, with multiple parties.

Our strategic agenda focuses on chemicals, mixtures and materials such as plastics. Increased recycling of plastics is clearly a key theme within the strategic agenda for the first two years. Other important themes are making the raw materials used more sustainable, ecodesign of (consumer) products containing plastics/chemicals and industrial symbiosis.


essenscia and OVAM are the initiators for the chemistry/plastics strategic agenda.

VLAIO actively supports.

Starting charter

The Starting charter strategic agenda Chemicals/Plastics is a summary of the trajectory that ran from January 2021 to April 2022

Background report identified actions

The report 'Werkagenda Chemie/Kunststoffen - Achtergrondrapport geïdentificeerde acties' omvat alle informatie die tijdens het participatief co-creatietraject van in de zomer van 2021 tot in het najaar 2021, werd gecapteerd. Het is te lezen als een momentopname.


The report "Strategic agenda Chemicals/Plastics - GAP analysis background report" provides insight into the state of affairs of the chemicals/plastics sector in relation to Circular Economy and aims to clarify which 'gaps' still need to be closed to achieve the overall goal of Circular Economy in Flanders.

Engagement Statement

Download the Engagement Statement of the signatories of our strategic agenda.