We organise our actions in six thematic & strategic agendas:
Strategic Agendas:
Circular Construction
Manufacturing Industry
Food Chain
Water Cycles
Seven leverages provide additional support:
Leverage effects:
Lever Policy Instruments
Lever Circular Procurement
Lever Communication
Lever Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Lever Financing
Lever Jobs & Skills
Lever Research
What, why and how?
Why are we pursuing a circular economy?
Future visions 2050
How do we see our circular future?
About our management
Who steers what at Flanders Circular?
Innovation and entrepreneurship are key drivers of social change. The Innovation and Entrepreneurship lever is capitalising on this to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. VLAIO, the Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship has a broad network and instruments at its disposal to support the circular transition and pull this lever.
In its operation, VLAIO offers financial support, among other things, such as supporting innovation in companies, betting on knowledge dissemination, strengthening training in entrepreneurship and supporting implementation of knowledge and technologies in companies. These channels are also accessible to circular economy initiatives and many are already finding their way to VLAIO. VLAIO therefore likes to highlight these leading projects through communication channels.
In addition, through the broad VLAIO network, the main focus is on informing, sensitising and guiding enterprises. Here, the business consultants of Team Business Projects also take on an important role: they are increasingly committed to supporting companies in their circular ambitions. By building broad knowledge in the organisation, VLAIO aims to incorporate circular economy more and more in its operations.
Within the lever, three proposals of initial work paths have already been further identified:
VLAIO is certainly not the only party with a role in driving circular innovation and entrepreneurship. Partners such as the Steunpunt Circulaire Economie, Fedustria, Suez, Agoria, Confederatie Bouw and Departement Omgeving have already indicated that they want to be part of the lever. In addition, we are exploring which other players are relevant for this leverage and which networks are interesting to cooperate with.
Alignment with the other levers and with the dynamics in the strategic agendas will be essential to give this lever every chance of success.
Through the calls ‘Levensduurverlenging Maakindustrie’ and ‘Living Labs Circulair Bouwen en Circulaire Maakindustrie’ , VLAIO gives ambitious projects an extra push for their innovative and/or entrepreneurial plans. Besides using materials in the best possible way, chain cooperation, knowledge building, sharing best practices and system change are central. The large number of applications already indicates a broad interest in getting started.