The Play Club

Toys that never get thrown away are fun toys.

Did you know that in Mechelen there is such a thing as a circular toy subscription? You then get to borrow a new package of sustainable toys every 2 months, delivered CO2-free by De Speelclub (The Play Club) by cargo bike. Ideal for young families with children aged between 0 and 8.

Hanne and Nick are not only the founders of De Speelclub, they are mostly young parents who have consciously chosen to live relatively small. And they believe their initiative has a chance in Mechelen because many young families live there who recognise the problem of lack of space.

The plan is to introduce some 30 families to De Speelclub in 2024. The following year, they hope to double that number. And their real ambition is to grow to 150 subscribers or more. And then expand to other cities, working with a customisation company to put together their packages and bicycle couriers for delivery.

Now, Hanne and Nick still fill the toy bags themselves with predominantly wooden toys and meet the strictest standards. In this way, De Speelclub wants to counter the glut of plastic toys that are often unsafe.

And that De Speelclub is serious about circular thinking is even proven by the fact that the bags in which the toys are delivered are made of old, Mechelen flags.