Steam network Ecluse

Promoting sustainability at the Schelde

Ecluse is a public-private steam network that supplies process steam to companies in the Waasland port. To expand to the other side of the Schelde, Ecluse will build a tunnel under the Schelde to chemical company Evonik. This will enable the company to save 100,000 tonnes of CO2 each year as well as fossil fuels.

Indaver and SLECO convert around one million tonnes of waste into materials and energy. ECLUSE (a public-private partnership between the same Indaver and SLECO together with MLSO, Fineg and Waterlink) is the steam network that brings Indaver's and SLECO's energy to industry in the form of steam. Because Ecluse can supply more steam than what companies in the Waaslandhaven need, there is potential for expansion. Crossing over to the right bank will avoid 100 000 tonnes of CO2 emissions and save as much natural gas as the consumption of 38 000 households.

To make the expansion possible, a new Schelde tunnel will be drilled, allowing other companies to connect to the right bank in the future. The pipe tunnel is the ideal solution to ensure that both banks together can achieve a sustainable, circular and climate-neutral chemical industry.


Partners Indaver, SLECO, MLSO, Fineg, Waterlink

