Start 2 Build Circular

‘Start 2 Build Circular’ accelerates step towards circular construction thanks to knowledge sharing and trust

What does circular construction cost? Which building materials and techniques are circular, and which are less so or not at all? And what examples of circular construction exist in Belgium? With the ‘Start 2 Build Circular’ project, researchers from co-host Odisee University of Applied Sciences want to bring more transparency around the implementation of circular building, in order to lower barriers for professionals in the sector. This should accelerate circular construction in practice.

Three steps towards a circular construction sector
To better inform different industry players about circular construction ...

  1. the researchers collect practical testimonies from architects, engineering firms, building material dealers, material producers and contractors. In doing so, they bring into focus realised and ongoing circular projects.
  2. they facilitate the transition from BEN building nodes to circular building nodes with circular and bio-based materials which, to date, are still relatively unknown among professionals in the construction sector.
  3. They calculate the ‘Total Cost of Ownership’ (TCO) of bio-based and circular materials, and compare those prices with those of traditional building materials. In this way, they map the direct and indirect costs for professionals.

About Start 2 Build Circular
Start 2 Build Circular is an initiative of co-high school Odisee. Researchers Filip Van Langenhove and Nicolas Beckers are leading the project. Waldo Galle and Jeroen Poppe from VUB Architectural Engineering are carrying out the research as partners, as are several stakeholders from the building sector. The project will run between December 2023 and November 2025.

Odisee - campus Aalst

Partners VUB Architectural Engineering


