Recovery Hub Leuven

A second life for clothes and small electro

Toaster broken? Tear in your trousers? At Herstel Hub Leuven, you can have them both repaired. In the Repair Hub Textile, your clothes are repaired by people distanced from the labour market. In the Electrical Repair Hub, an experienced repairer will try to fix your appliance within the hour. If that fails, you will get advice.

Repair Hub Textile
The Textile Repair Hub is an initiative of the MAAKbar, a Leuven meeting place for sharing, swapping, repairing and making things yourself. The Textile Recovery Hub employs people with experience in the textile sector who are distanced from the labour market for various reasons. They give your favourite garments and textile products a second life. However, the garments must be outside the supplier's warranty period. Replacing a zip, mending a seam, shortening, lengthening, repairing holes and tears: they do it all.  This gives the repairmen a chance to use their talents and you can enjoy your clothes for longer.

Recovery Hub Elektro
The Repair Hub Elektro is in turn an initiative of Makeable Leuven. The hub's repairers fix small electrical appliances for which there are no affordable repair alternatives so that you can reuse them. 'Small' means you have to be able to carry the appliance on your own. In the time slot you book, a repairer will review with you what is wrong and try to fix your appliance. Meanwhile, the experienced repairers train people with technical knowledge to become new repairers. After the repair, you only pay for the spare parts and decide how much you pay for the repair.

The exact list of appliances you can have repaired can be found on their website.