
Energy from pig manure

Bart Vanackere and Mieke Baekelandt are true pioneers in sustainability with their fattening pig farm in Ardooie. Because they were the first to install a pocket digester for pig manure.

The digester produces biogas thanks to anaerobic digestion. That biogas is a mixture of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO₂). It is a renewable energy source, with which you can generate electricity and heat. Fermentation reduces waste and harmful emissions. More than that, the biogas is perfect as renewable energy.

For their project, Bart and Mieke received support from Pocket Power (Inagro) and Green Service Belgium. This is another curl in their long track record of innovation: since 2002, with respect for animal welfare, they have been modernising their shed for 5,200 fattening pigs. Advanced technologies, such as automatic sorting, increase efficiency.

The pig feed contains fermented vegetable residues. These take care of animal health and fit in with circular farming practices. Their approach, based on a trio of sustainability, efficiency and animal welfare, is an important step towards the future of pig farming.




Bart Vanackere en Mieke Baekelandt

Partners Pocket Power (Inagro), Green Service Belgium


